Lifehacks of Microscopic Endodontics. Instrument retrieval, curved canals, retreatment
Course of 5 lectures

Byron Tsivos
Available to view after purchase
Available to view after purchase
Price for the full course
575 / 725
Summary of the online course
The course will cover all methods of magnification used in endodontics and options for their application, the use of CBCT for treatment planning and diagnosis. Curved canals, broken instruments and re-treatment present some challenges. After the course you will learn how to proceed even in the most difficult cases and what to do if you encounter a broken file. For re-treatment, you will be offered a unique strategy that can be applied in most cases.
Summary of the online course
The course will cover all methods of magnification used in endodontics and options for their application, the use of CBCT for treatment planning and diagnosis. Curved canals, broken instruments and re-treatment present some challenges. After the course you will learn how to proceed even in the most difficult cases and what to do if you encounter a broken file. For re-treatment, you will be offered a unique strategy that can be applied in most cases.