
Carlos de Salvador Planas

  • Dr.Carlos de Salvador Planas was licensed in Medicine and obtained his specialty degree in Dentistry in 1986. In 1994, obtained a PhD title for his work on Development of the Stomatognathic System and Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation by the University of Barcelona.
  • He is the current president of CIRNO-Pedro Planas Spanish Association and scientific co-director of the International Federation of Pedro Planas Associations.
  • Since the beginning of is career, due to his direct family relationship with Prof. Planas, he develops his professional activity at Dentoclinic private practice. Where he continues with the work of Prof. Planas both at the healthcare level as well as training professionals who wish to learn about Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation.
  • For this reason, he actively participates in numerous conferences and dictates courses on this subject. But the most intense training activity is the one carried out in the Dentoclinic dental office, which Dr. Planas himself already organized as a center for the training of N.O.R., carrying out practical courses since 1989 with students from different countries.