Endodontics and beyond
Course of 5 lectures

Paolo Generali
Available to view after purchase
Available to view after purchase

Price for the full course
575 / 725
Summary of the online course
We will discuss complex cases and the main doctor's dilemma - to extract or to save the tooth. After the course you will be able to make a decision about endotreatment or extraction with implant restoration. You will see all the advantages of autotransplantation and the right procedure for it. What is more, you will learn how to communicate with patients and this will be the key factor for you further successful work.
Summary of the online course
We will discuss complex cases and the main doctor's dilemma - to extract or to save the tooth. After the course you will be able to make a decision about endotreatment or extraction with implant restoration. You will see all the advantages of autotransplantation and the right procedure for it. What is more, you will learn how to communicate with patients and this will be the key factor for you further successful work.